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Is it not good to have fighting time to take care of vegetables in a greenhouse?

It’s very naive in early summer, and in the end, everyone will accept whatever they can give.
Nan Yichen looked at all this, but he felt something in his heart. Although this is a small village, it is actually a national mapping. The so-called into the badlands is unruly, that is, if everyone is rich, who will be a thief?
In the early summer, I didn’t know that she had influenced a generation of emperors. She was a merit. Everyone should be grateful to her little turtle, so that she could receive merit. If she had enough merit, the little turtle could quickly upgrade. Now she urgently needs one to carry and hide things like that, which would be much more convenient and safe.
Her wealth will be more and more, and she will not be at ease anywhere.
Knife therapy continues, but the pain of acupuncture is getting worse every time, which makes Xia Pei a knife in the early summer without humming at all.
Finally, after five times, the pain eased
No acupuncture in the sixth medicated bath.
Medicinal bath is also very troublesome, and it must be soaked for three hours, so the water temperature can’t drop. Now it’s mid-November, and it’s very cold. If you want to keep the water temperature, you have to keep heating the water, but Dongdong Yang is exhausted.
Lan Yan, the South Escape Minister, is also helping. Even Xia Jinghan’s two dark guards have been summoned to help.
The knife didn’t say anything, but it was grateful in its eyes.
In a blink of an eye, when I agreed with tea in early summer,
I had a meal early in the morning and I was going to Sanzhen Inn in early summer. What Nanyichen said this time should be followed.
Early summer also didn’t refuse to let him see his own industry, or let him know.
This time, she left Lan Yan. After all, the knife can’t be separated from people here.
Dongyang is driving towards Sanzhen Mountain, and people can be seen walking from time to time on the way. This is absolutely not the case before.
"You let Dong show you around here. Although the scale is not very large, it can also let you know about people’s livelihood." When you get to the place, you told Nan Yichen in early summer, "Come to the inn to find me after shopping, and we will have lunch here in the inn."
"Good" South Yichen nodded.
I entered the inn in early summer.
"Jiang Jie tea girl came early in the morning?" An Ruyi hurried to the building in early summer to get the tea in person, which was then withdrawn.
I didn’t ask Bai Mei to accompany me this time.
"Jiang Jie" tea is excited at the sight of early summer. "My body is much better … those pills are so effective …"
"Don’t worry slowly" indicated in early summer that "we have plenty of time. I’ll give you a pulse first"
Tea is a little embarrassed to sit down and reach over.
I nodded after feeling my pulse in early summer. "The effect is good. I’ll give you another prescription. I’ll take it for half a month this time, and it will almost be eradicated by then."
Tea suddenly got up and fell to the ground. "Jiang Jie, you are my savior."
"Don’t do this." I pulled people up in early summer. "Let’s be fate, and I need your help."
"Jiang Jie, don’t worry, I will sell medicine well."
In the early summer, I always felt that this sentence seemed to be ambiguous. "Let’s talk about this when you get up."
Tea sat down again.
"This is 50 pills of each of the three kinds. You should take them for sale first, but remember my sales principle: don’t sell them to Baixiang Building. You can take 10% of each pill at a price of five taels of silver …" I handed a big box to Tea in early summer. "I need you to swear."
Tea kneels and vows.
"It’s not too late to swear when I’m finished." In early summer, tea was stopped. "At ordinary times, everyone makes an oath and casually says whether it can be fulfilled or not. It’s hard to say, but swearing here is bound to be fulfilled with caution."
Tea took a look at the early summer and then raised his left hand and swore to heaven, "My tea life was given by Jiang Jie, but if I dare to do something sorry for my family, I will die a natural death."
In the early summer, I raised my hand and nodded "Well, the vows have taken effect, then we are happy" and paused "If one day you don’t want to marry me, you must say that I will eliminate the vows"
"Good" tea nodded and said in his heart, thinking that my life is dependent on you and I don’t want to lift it with you.
It was agreed here that tea left with the box. She rented a carriage and came here. When she returned this time, she would rent a new room and start a new life.
"Wait" suddenly chased out in early summer.
"Is there anything else in Jiang Jie?"
"You are familiar with the county seat. I want to buy a hospital and shop there. By the way, please ask me about it and let me know when it is suitable."
"No problem," tea nodded. "I know a dentist. I’ll talk to him when I get back."
In early summer, I nodded and watched the tea leave, then turned around and prepared to go to Nanyichen, who was patrolling. Two dogs told Ah Qi in early summer that he had gone to the mountain.
In early summer, when I went up the mountain steps, I saw Nan Yichen’s back and was about to shout. I saw a girl suddenly leaning towards him and fell over.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-five Touch porcelain
I was shocked in the early summer. This girl is trying to touch porcelain. In modern times, it is wrong money, but in modern times, it is wrong people.
However, she is not worried about Nan Yichen at all. Instead, she has some sympathy for the girl. How much do you want to go to touch porcelain, the facial paralysis?
What shocked her even more, however, was that Nan Yichen whizzed aside and hid, as if the girl were a scourge.
So the girl fell on the steps and screamed and rolled to the foot of the mountain, where she lay motionless.
Everyone around me was shocked, and then there was an exclamation.
And followed the girl, a woman and a girl got a fright and cried out "Miss" in a hurry, so they chased her and turned her over, but she screamed with fear. Because their master had a bloody face and didn’t vent her anger, she didn’t know exactly where she hit.
Luo Yuchai vomited to death in her heart. She only came here when she heard that Sanzhenguan was a special clinic. She wanted to seek nature as a marriage. She couldn’t see those crooked melons and cracked dates. As soon as she got into the carriage, she saw a man like Zhilan Yushu. She felt moved, but it was not good to get to know him rashly. What if she was rejected? So she thought of a way to fall.
Seeing someone fall, if everyone will not stand by and she is still a beautiful woman, then the man next to her should be more sympathetic.
But she didn’t expect that she wouldn’t be a person when she met a root. Not only was he the attendant around him, but she was also not a root, so she didn’t know that passion is a thing.
She regretted the moment she fell to the ground, but the regret was gone. She felt that she was going to die!


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