92 Bowery St New York, NY 10013




At six o’clock in the evening, Xue Chengfeng really came here to see Jiang Xuanxuan and the children.
However, his attitude is not quite the same as Peng Shuwan’s. Is he more sympathetic to Jiang Xuanxuan and the children?
As soon as Xue Chengfeng entered the ward, it was not very right to bet on Gu Chen’s eyes
Peng Shu-wan told him that Kyle fell to the ground and was injured by scissors, and that he had a high fever and made Xuan sad
Xue Chengfeng dealt with her heart well, but there was another dispute. Today, he suddenly received a message saying that Lujia was taken by Gu Chen at one stroke and brought Jiang Xuanxuan out from Lujia Gu Chen.
Xue Chengfeng felt it necessary for him to have a good talk with Gu Chen.
My eyes are still inflamed, and I will cry when typing on the screen. The latest update has shrunk, and the group hasn’t come out much. Please forgive me ~ I will be more when my eyes are relaxed!
226, take children to enjoy the moon (now there are two more)
Xue Jia has a good relationship with Lu Jialai, but Xue Chengfeng has been hurt by Liu Bucheng, and he has been relegated to two positions in politics. Xue Jia and Lu Jia have gradually changed their political relations in name only. The Xue family has become more and more perfunctory to Lu Jia, and will not be as politically beneficial as before to protect Xue Jia.
Just today, Xue Chengfeng received a WeChat from the Xue family saying that Lujia had been killed by Gu Chen at one stroke. Now all industries in Lujia are in charge of Nanjia, and those people in Lujia have become migrant workers in Nanjia. Now that Lujia is lonely, Xue family doesn’t need to worry about Lujia’s strength and dare not break off diplomatic relations with Lujia directly. The main idea is that if the news is true, the Xue family doesn’t need to worry about Lujia again today, and then they will go to Japan for mutual affection.
This is a very refreshing thing for Xue Chengfeng, but it is only a cool thing.
Xue Chengfeng had a personal vendetta against Lu Bucheng, but that incident has been going on for many years. Now Xue Chengfeng is not afraid of Lu Bucheng, and there is no need to be afraid that he will come again. He plans to go to Lu Jia to get Lu Xiaoman back, but if you think about it carefully, Lu Bucheng is really good for Lu Xiaoman, although he has bad means. I don’t know if Xue Chengfeng will stir up other storms like this.
In this respect, he is still quite soft-hearted, and he still wants to know what happened to Gu Chen to bring people to Lujia.
In his impression, Gu Chen is a businessman. Let’s just say that this matter involves Jiang Xuanxuan and Xue Chengfeng, and he is surprised.
If he doesn’t understand, he must ask.
This is Xue Chengfeng.
In Jiang Xuanxuan ward, I spent a night with her family. Xue Chengfeng was as caring and attentive as an old woman and said many words. The couple knew Jiang Xuanxuan very well and were as affectionate as a family.
Gu Chen sat by and listened to their warm conversation quietly. He had a good impression of Xue Chengfeng and Peng Shuwan, but in the field of husband and wife elders, they did a good job, saying a lot and doing a lot of things can make people feel warm from their elders.
Section 55
Before you know it, it’s nine o’clock. Peng Shuwan usually goes to bed early, then she chats and yawns …
Xue Chengfeng said that he wanted Gu Chen to talk to Jiang Xuanxuan for a while, and then he took Gu Chen to a corner of the corridor in the ward and asked about Lu’s family affairs.
Gu Chen didn’t expect Xue Chengfeng to receive news from Lujia so soon, and he also knew that he went to Lujia. Jiang Xuanxuan and Xue Chengfeng, the child, now mainly want to know what Gu Chen did with Lujia and his motives for dealing with Lujia.
Xue Chengfeng is a wise man and Gu Chenyue’s father. Men have a certain ability to keep secrets, and Gu Chen is afraid to hide it from him.
After he hesitated for a moment, he told Xue Chengfeng about his feud with Liu Bucheng, Kyle’s true identity and what happened these days. If he really had something to hide, the only thing he didn’t say was that he and Jiang Xuanxuan developed feelings after a fake marriage.
Xue Chengfeng was deeply shocked when he heard these things. He looked at Gu Chen and stared at Gu Chen for a long time. He didn’t know how to speak properly.
"everything you say is true?" Because I can’t believe Xue Chengfeng asked one more question.
Gu Chen Geng really answered how to answer it. He replied, "It’s true. I want to hide it from my father-in-law and mother-in-law, which will bring bad consequences. I know that the fewer people there should be, the better. I hope my father-in-law can hide it from my mother-in-law."
Of course, Gu Chen also knows that Xue Chengfeng will definitely not let Peng Shuwan know about it.
Men’s sense of confidentiality is really strong. After Xue Chengfeng knew it, his attitude was dignified but upright.
"It’s no wonder that Kyle is your elder sister and child. Liu Bucheng is as crazy as he must find you in trouble." Xue Chengfeng can understand that Gu Chen didn’t know how much he suffered from Liu Bucheng when he competed with Liu Bucheng for Lu Xiaoman. At that time, he really recognized Liu Bucheng as a mental derangement!
Xue Chengfeng, who had the same experience, recognized Gu Chen’s idea very much.
From the perspective of Jiang Xuanxuan’s father, he felt that Gu Chen’s side was too dangerous and it was not very suitable for Jiang Xuanxuan to stay.
But this idea Xue Chengfeng did not show.
Maybe he’s just thinking about it himself, because Jiang Xuanxuan can’t leave Gu Chen anymore. Even if Kyle isn’t Jiang Xuanxuan’s child, she has one in her stomach now. She and Gu Chen have been tied together by two children and can’t be separated.
Xue Chengfeng looked dignified for a moment with a long face in front of Gu Chen.
"It’s good that you did it, and I didn’t let me down …" After reading this, Xue Chengfeng sighed, he continued, "You are not young, and you are very measured in doing things. You have to take care of your personal vendetta when you are with you. No matter how many you have, I hope you can protect Mary and her children as well as this time so that women and children don’t get hurt."
Gu Chen accepted his teachings with an open mind. He nodded well. "My father-in-law said yes."
"I’m mainly worried about your family’s accident, but everything else is fine." Xue Chengfeng patted him on the shoulder. "But you can’t let women know about this kind of thing, but you don’t need to hide it from me."
He means that it is good for men at home to know about these important events, Peng Shuwan, Qing Xue or Jiang Xuanxuan, and there is no need to let them know. Of course, Jiang Xuanxuan is involved in it this time, which is another story.
Men with male chauvinism agree with their own ideas. Xue Chengfeng is even more masculine than Gu Chen. It is king to be a master at home.
But this time, Xue Chengfeng’s good impression of Gu Chen has multiplied a lot.
In all respects, Gu Chen is a resourceful man and he is also very thoughtful.
Xue Chengfeng came here just to know what happened to Yilujia.
Gu Chen was honest and told him everything, which also made Xue Chengfeng more optimistic about him. Some of his previous bad impressions have been slowly erased.
After talking with Gu Chen, Xue Chengfeng finally left with satisfaction.
At present, there is no situation he is worried about, so I still feel a lot better. I went back and took Peng Shuwan and left.
The couple were quiet after leaving the back ward, leaving Gu Chen’s family of three again.
Kaier was taken to take a bath by her aunt. Jiang Xuanxuan accompanied them all day, and now she is a little dizzy and qi-deficient. She sat on the bed and sucked up oxygen.
Gu Chen wanted to come and accompany her, but as soon as she sat by his bed, Jiang Xuanxuan stretched out her hand and pushed him to "go and bathe the baby."


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